Version 1.51 Release Date: 4/8/2004 Fixes and Changes: FIX: Printing labels fixed by adding number across and number down CHANGE: Tax receipt reformatted NEW: Adding F1 help key for all windows Version 1.52 Release Date: 22/7/2004 FIX: Delete an appointment from the appointment sheet by right click and then pressing yes to add to statistics has been fixed to show in the summary reports FIX: Recalls in date range summary fixed NEW: Adding print labels test page Version 1.53 Release Date: 16/7/2004 FIX: Showing insurance related fields fixed when xhc = yes in patient information CHANGE: Booking an appointment defaulted to the patient's doctor NEW: Reports-patients-lists-health expiry date NEW: Reports-patients-statistics-by health card expiry Version 1.60 Release Date: 11/8/2004 FIX: Space in postal code (new style letter) fixed FIX: Letter head adjusted to maximum of 5 lines fixed FIX: Patient with no doctor can book appointment fixed CHANGE: Clinic choice added to update patient information - doctor NEW: Multi schedule times per doctor (Setup-Schedule-Visual) NEW: 6 months Days off screen with appointment checking (Setup-Days Off-Visual) NEW: Show all appointments for one week (Browse-appointment-visual-show appointments for a week) NEW: Show all appointments for one month (Browse-appointment-visual-show appointments for a month) Version 1.61 Release Date: 29/8/2004 FIX: Amount field in (reports-common-receipt-Last Payment Itemized) FIX: Amount field in (reports-common-receipt-Previous Payment Itemized) FIX: Amount field in (reports-common-receipt-Date Range Itemized) CHANGE: Adding 0 to doctor columns Version 1.62 Release Date: 7/9/2004 FIX: Appointment booking method ( Use calendar ) not showing the appointments for adj code fixed CHANGE: Cancel button added to the serial number verification window CHANGE: Letterhead added to receipt reports generated from appointment processing screen CHANGE: Doctor names added to the days off list NEW: Reminder list report (reports - patients - lists) NEW: Extended health care list report (reports - patients - lists) Version 1.63 Release Date: 9/9/2004 CHANGE: The user can only open one copy of the Better System NEW: File manager 3 (third party software) included in the program Version 1.64 Release Date: 24/9/2004 FIX: Help buttons in AISI part of the program referenced to AISI help FIX: Booking appointment from the appointment sheet will show invalid time message if no time is available for the doctor FIX: More space added to the first name in (clinic sheet report) and (appointment book report) FIX: Booking an appointment for a doctor outside the schedule fixed FIX: Expiry health card check added to test health submission FIX: Browse Screens will be refreshed when they updated from any other place in the program FIX: Moving appointments for a patient in (appointment utility-Change Patient Appointment Doctor For Date Range) fixed FIX: Moving appointments for a patient in (appointment utility-Change Patient's Day of The Week For Date Range) fixed FIX: Moving appointments for a patient in (appointment utility-Change Patient's Appointment Times For Date Range) fixed FIX: Moving appointments for a patient in (appointment utility-Change Patient's Appointment Time For Day of the Week) fixed FIX: Showing Total Claims on Disk and Total Records on Disk in generate health disk fixed CHANGE: Included GST and Included PST choices added to billing codes CHANGE: Showing GST and PST in appointment processing screen NEW: History button added to ( make payment ) screen from appointment processing screen to show payments and billings for the last 27 records Version 1.65 Release Date: 28/10/2004 FIX: Generate health for Alberta showing screen for each date fixed FIX: Booking short time appointment in long time by using multiple booking fixed FIX: Days off error 33 fixed FIX: Printing patients list in email single by lookup fixed NEW: System try icon added for the Better System NEW: The keyboard keys (F for forward B for backward H for today W for one week) added to the appointment sheet NEW: Two versions released for windows 98 and XP NEW: Review floppy disk utility in utilities for Ontario, Alberta and BC Version 1.66 Release Date: 19/11/2004 FIX: Decimal point problem in the calculator fixed by calling a new calculator FIX: Showing GST and PST for patient discount fixed FIX: Going to another day after double clicking on the empty space in the appointment sheet and then cancel fixed FIX: Payments by date report for doctor number 10 and up fixed CHANGE: Make the GST and PST fields in process screen editable CHANGE: Patient button changed to be at the top in manual booking CHANGE: Gift certificate redeemed date start with blank NEW: Showing a wait screen in update patient screen if the patient name or file number changed NEW: Preview button added to manual booking screen Version 1.67 Release Date: 10/12/2004 FIX: Pressing enter key on select patient screen showing error message related to missed file has been fixed NEW: Report preview show the total number of pages to print NEW: Confirmation message added for reports with more than 5 pages NEW: Remittance file ( browse, update and reports ) added to Alberta version of the Better System NEW: Printing labels ability added to reports - archive NEW: Report shading yes/no in setup - doctor information - defaults Version 1.68 Release Date: 19/1/2005 FIX: extra payment types problem in payments by date and payments by name reports fixed CHANGE: Reports - common - patient account - regular defaulted print type to (all) option NEW: Total profit field added to sales report - profit estimate Version 1.69 Release Date: 14/2/2005 FIX: Reports - receivables - on specific date showing patients entered after that date fixed FIX: Booking multiple appointments open more than one screen in Windows XP fixed NEW: The ability to delete a patient with all his/her accounts, appointments, payments and missed/recalls NEW: Move and move all buttons added to (Browse-appointment-visual-show appointments for a week) NEW: Move and move all buttons added to (Browse-appointment-visual-show appointments for a month) Version 1.70 Release Date: 24/2/2005 FIX: Last appointment time in receipt (was 12:00 AM) fixed CHANGE: Update the aisi form OCF 21 for November 2004 changes NEW: The ability to make payment for the clinic Version 1.71 Release Date: 15/4/2005 FIX: Reports - statistics - booked appointment fixed with progress window CHANGE: Submit prefix field accept upper case characters only for Alberta version CHANGE: Change subscriber insurance to insurance with the ability to select a billing(s) that will be marked as paid CHANGE: Appointment note and missed note has been increased to 800 characters CHANGE: Reformat report - setup - gift certificates NEW: Sending emails with html format added to the Windows XP version only Version 1.72 Release Date: 28/4/2005 FIX: Updating archive files problem fixed NEW: Adding a choice to print the clinic sheet and appointment book reports in one page only NEW: Show the part days off and part days always off in the clinic and appointment sheet (white color means more than one doctor is off at the same time) NEW: Doctor names added to the clinic sheet report NEW: Show the part days off and part days always off in the clinic sheet report and appointment sheet report Version 1.73 Release Date: 4/5/2005 FIX: Make billing/payment and make payments from processing screen can insert payments more than $1000 FIX: Payment types order in make payments from appointment processing screen fixed CHANGE: The format to print labels and envelops has been changed from city, province + postal code to city + province , postal code NEW: Birth date field added to day phone list report NEW: The choice (Without patient due balance) added to all the receipts from report - common - receipt Version 1.74 Release Date: 11/5/2005 FIX: Email list by doctor fixed CHANGE: Birthday list sorted by birth date start from the beginning of the month CHANGE: The billing code drop down list in make appointment will show the first billing code and the list will show the billing code and its description in the same time NEW: Email / no email list report in (reports-patients-breakdown) NEW: Last statement field in patient information Version 1.75 Release Date: 9/6/2005 FIX: Treatment plan reminder screen position fixed FIX: Colors in clinic sheet and appointment sheet not showing fixed NEW: Insurance companies report in (reports - patients - breakdown) Version 1.76 Release Date: 24/6/2005 CHANGE: Daily note show the appointment note related to that day not only for today NEW: Insurance report in (reports - common - patient accounts) Allows you to mark /unmark billings as paid NEW: The choices to print all appointments, missed appointments, recalls, rescheduled appointments, and canceled appointments added to Missed/recall list reports NEW: Warning screen added when changing from clinic sheet to doctor sheet if the day is off or holiday Version 1.8 Release Date: 7/10/2005 FIX: Add schedule screen pop up after clicking on a specific time fixed FIX: Show appointment for a month screen header fixed FIX: Changes to a patient's due balance from appointment processing screen do not show in Account Adjustments fixed FIX: Clicking on short, long or closed buttons in visual schedule screen keep them pressed fixed FIX: Inserting / deleting payments from browse payments screen or from main other screen update patient due balance in appointment processing screen fixed FIX: Inserting / deleting accounts from browse accounts screen or from main other screen update patient due balance in appointment processing screen fixed FIX: Additional Xs showing in preview one and preview three when trying to book an appointment fixed FIX: Billing code with GST included option reporting wrong amount fixed FIX: GST calculation fixed in AISI CHANGE: Patient Accounts - regular - since last report will change Patient last statement only if the report printed CHANGE: Warning screen added when trying to delete a billing code used by appointments and will delete the code only if the user change all the related appointments to a new code using appointment utilities CHANGE: The diagnosis code has been changed to be 6 characters in the patient processing screen for Alberta CHANGE: The diagnosis code has been deleted from the patient processing screen for BC CHANGE: Clicking on visual from browse times screen will show the visual schedule for the doctor already picked form browse times screen (not the first doctor) CHANGE: Reports - receivables - account aging changed to show clinic information only CHANGE: Adding note to recalls of the day report CHANGE: 3 extra payment types added to the program CHANGE: days off and days always off for a doctor now showing off on the doctor sheet only CHANGE: Printing the appointment sheet showing more characters and make the font as big as possible for each number of columns CHANGE: Change Billings or Payments in the same day added to Account Adjustments NEW: Utilities - appointment utilities - two new choices added 1.Change All Appointments and Billings to New Code For One Class 2.Change All Appointments and Billings to New Code For All Classes NEW: Patients utilities - reset patients flag NEW: Copy button in browse billing codes screen added NEW: Recalls of the day report NEW: Reports - receivables - by doctor NEW: Long distance choice was added to home and work phone numbers and change dial to add 1 in front of the number if its long distance NEW: Drop down menu to pick the payee name has been added to AISI Version 1.85 Release Date: 19/12/2005 FIX: Changing appointment in the program not changing the appointment date and time fixed FIX: Export to an excel file (patients by doctor) part fixed CHANGE: Patient note has been increased to 8000 characters CHANGE: Adding invoice to AISI only when the first page of the form printed CHANGE: In Reports - Common - Patient Account - Insurance the choices "Outstanding & Paid" and "Outstanding Only" added with the option of "Print with Total" or "Print Without Total" CHANGE: Main and make appointment windows heading changed to fit in small monitors with low resolution screen settings NEW: Receipt message field in (setup-doctor information-messages) NEW: cell phone, family doctor name, family doctor phone number and long distance (home, work, cell, family doctor) fields in patient information screen NEW: Expenses tracking facility added to the program NEW: Blue Cross chiropractic form added to the program Version 1.86 Release Date: 12/1/2006 CHANGE: Pressing the calendar button will keep the button selected NEW: Work extension number field added to day phone list report Version 1.87 Release Date: 30/1/2006 FIX: Preview in make appointment screen fixed FIX: The names shadow in doctor sheet fixed FIX: Insurance company selection screen fixed in Windows XP version FIX: blue cross select / unselect buttons fixed CHANGE: The transfer process will keep the patient name and payment amount if used from the money bag NEW: The ability to pick a time from the preview list in make appointment screen added Version 1.88 Release Date: 30/3/2006 FIX: End date year showing wrong value has been fixed for all print remittances reports FIX: Navigation buttons in appointment booking screen has been fixed CHANGE: The new Aisi form changes effective March 1st, 2006 has been implemented CHANGE: Location code and submission code are changed to the new values for BC CHANGE: Book appointment - multiple will add the appointments to a list and the choice to insert, change or delete appointments NEW: Vital statistics reports (daily, weekly and monthly) added to the program Version 1.89 Release Date: 25/9/2006 FIX: Doctor name in browse - patient information not showing doctor names longer than 25 characters has been fixed FIX: Patient processing screen not showing next appointment has been fixed FIX: Utilities - statements - current patients report has been fixed FIX: Inserting products with empty code has been fixed FIX: Showing all the recipient addresses when sending emails from The Better System for Windows XP has been eliminated FIX: Browse patient information - query - "by postal code" has been fixed CHANGE: Select product and browse product screens switched to use Incremental Locator Class for browsing products CHANGE: Alberta health submission process modified to submit only one file and the ability to save the file anywhere on the hard drive (Alberta health submission can be generated in one file. To do that, go to Setup, then Doctor Information, select the doctor name and press change, go to Health tab and select One File (EDT) under Generate Health section) NEW: The ability to block patients from showing in the "no future appointment" report permanently or temporarily added to the program NEW: Total number of patients field in (reports-patients-lists) reports added to the program NEW: The ability to use the toolbar buttons from the keyboard added to the program as follows: AltA = open the appointment sheet screen AltM = open make billing/payment screen AltB = show make appointment menu AltC = open the calculator AltI = show icon chart AltT = open communication screen AltD = open cd player screen NEW: Calculator button added beside the payment field for all payment related screens. Clicking on this button will open the calculator and to transfer the calculated amount to the payment field press "CLIP" on the calculator screen NEW: The ability to export "day phone list" report to excel file (csv format) added to the program NEW: Activity tab added to patient information screen showing patient appointments', account billings' and payments' in one browse screen NEW: Clinic sheet will show "Off" when all doctors are off (for multi doctor clinics) Version 1.92 Release Date: 22/12/2006 NEW: Alternate Schedule in Setup,Schedule, to make a day have a different day of the week schedule. ie. One Tuesday with a Monday Schedule. NEW: Days Not Off in Setup,Days Off, to have particular days not off. NEW: Days Not Part Off in Setup,Days Off, to have particular days not part off. NEW: Export Gift Certificates CHG: Using long path name for relative path names NEW: For Doctors with columns assigned appointments will wrap expanding time rather than cross over into another Doctor's column NEW: Browse Daily Notes updated to allow easier viewing and printing of daily notes NEW: Icons on appointment sheet will have an 'i' if the appointment has a note associated with it NEW: Single left click on appointment will show appointment note FIX: Close payment screen cancels payment. FIX: Icon on multiple and manual appointment booking colour bug fixed CHG: Program delivered without appointment sheet icons. They can be downloaded from the link above Version 2.01 Release Date: 19/07/2007 NEW: Addition of Diagnosis and Treatment page so that the treating doctor can record the patient�s diagnosis or treatment and eliminate the need for a paper "travel card", "cerpic card", etc. NEW: Alternate schedules to set a day or range of days to a schedule different from the normal weekly schedule. NEW: Browse - Appointment Warnings, adding a note that will warn the user while trying to book an appointment NEW: Patient processing screen shows a list of future appointments NEW: Emails can include more than one attachment NEW: Export Patients email list to a text file "emails.txt" from Export - Patient Summary Information - Email List NEW: "Charge Visit" button in the patient processing screen has two options, Patient Doctor and This Doctor NEW: Small calendar shows days off NEW: Export Gift Certificates CHANGE: All drop down menus will show 10 items instead of 5 CHANGE: Times in patient preferred times are patient doctor times Version 2.02 Release Date: 02/08/2007 NEW:Clinic Appointment Sheet can show up to 20 columns via Setup,Schedule. Version 2.03 Release Date: 21/08/2007 CHANGE: Adding a check box in Setup-Schedule-Regular Schedule(s) to show (Appointment Doctor and Patient Doctor) choices for "Charge Visit" button in patient processing screen Version 2.04 Release Date: 1/11/2007 CHG: Alternate Schedule booking and printing updated ADD: 2nd Sheet for print Clinic appointments for more than 9 columns FIX: Preview in Manual booking fixed to show appointments when day is part day off ADD: Multiple part days off accomodated in Preview one and Preview three Appointment Booking ADD: Query added to Appointment Browse, Account Billing Browse, Payment Browse and MIssed/Recall Browse ADD: Process Patient, Make Appointments now offers all booking options CHG: Process Patient allows up to $99,999.99 for Billings and Balance ADD: Print Patient Appointments Calendar prints 4 more months ADD: Patient Activity Report added to Reports, Common, Patient Accounts and Patients Activity Tab CHG: Days off Browse Refilled after using Visual method ADD: Patient Activity Report added to Reports, Common, Patient Accounts and Patients Activity Tab ADD: Update Security for Reports has a new Option, Custom, to enter custom restrictions to an individual's Report Security ADD: Payments Report added to the Archive area Version 2.06 Release Date: 23/03/2008 ADD:HCAI electronic submission for all HCAI forms ADD:Insurance File includes InsureID, BranchID, and Fax# for HCAI CHG:Daily Notes 10 Times as large CHG:Choices offered when Ok to all in Multiple Booking runs across a Day Off ADD:Pop up Appointment notes for particular days and times ADD:Pop up Patient Notes to catch attention when processing a Patient ADD:Process Patient, Make Appointments selects patient doctor for manual CHG:First Extra Payment type duplication removed. ADD:More error checking during transactions. ADD:Improved code for inserting and deleting times in the schedule with progress screens added ADD:Ability to re-insert times in the schedule added CHG:>Alberta submission will be in one file even with resubmissions CHG:British Columbia reconciliation fixed to cope with first record rejection Version 2.07 Release Date: 5/4/2008 ADD:Utiltities, Pack Data Files offers to pack just one file ADD:Seven new Graphs including ' Patient Billing Class ',' Marital Status ', ' Referral Source ',' Patient Doctor ',' Patient Complaint ',' Sexes ',' Visits ' ADD:Custom Color in Billing Codes allows users to pick any possible color for appointments. CHG:Missed/Cancelled/Rescheduled offered when deleting or cutting an appointment. FIX:Preview uses alternate schedules. Version 2.08 Release Date: 11/4/2008 ADD:Diagnosis and Treatments integrated with appointment book. Process Financial information or treatments or both. GO PAPERLESS NOW! In the future we will gather Treatment Databases and switch them to Buttons for Touch Screen operation... FIX:Product price,cost,quantity columns fixed in browse. Version 2.09 Release Date: 17/5/2008 ADD:Drag and Drop Appointments was added in 2.07 but not documented. ADD:Meetings can be Scheduled (with notes) in Browse, Meetings, or in Setup,Regular Schedule,Meetings. ADD:Lookup and print functionality added to Treatments. Fix:Insurance company information included in OCF21B print. Version 2.10 Release Date: 23/5/2008 ADD:Select family members has been added to patient information and if selected these members can be booked together in family booking and printed in labels,family ADD:Doctor Balances in patient information(except B.C.) ADD:Setup,Settings,currently to disable drag and drop in the appointment sheet. Future additions Fix:Reports,Patient Appointments,Calendar will include times on 2nd page. Version 2.11 Release Date 30/5/2008 ADD:Electronic WCB for British Columbia via MSP. FIX:Defaults when adding new patient restored. Version 2.12 Release Date 25/6/2008 FIX:Insurance company fetch for AISI FIX:0-9 Weeks booking ADD:ALT+s to Select Patient ADD:In Setup Settings,an option to disable prompt of No Future Appointment when processing ADD:In Setup Settings,an option to disable prompt of Add to Satistics when processing Version 2.13 Release Date 4/7/2008 ADD:Make Appointments, Findopen to find all your available booking slots CHG:Incremental Locator in Setup, Billing Codes ADD:Electronic Worker's Compensation billing via MSP for British Columbia Version 2.14 Release Date 10/7/2008 ADD:This Billing or Patient Balance added to Make Payment Screen when processing an appointment ADD:Setup, Settings option to default receipt to last payment receipt to bypass selecting in print receipt when processing an appointment ADD:Setup, Settings option to print directly to the printer to bypass the print previewer ADD:Family selection and Doctor balances added to process patient screens. ADD:Submit,resubmit, paid column added to Billings Tab in Patient information FIX:B.C. Health funds left converted to visits left from amount left. Version 2.15 Release Date 22/7/2008 ADD:Up to 999,999.99 for totals in Day Detail FIX:Pack one file and all files fixed ADD:B.C. diagnostic code expanded to 5 digits FIX:B.C. charge MSP exempt patient fixed. ADD:B.C. MSP Sequnce number added to generate Health report FIX:Activity tab in process patient screen fixed ADD:Pop up appointment notes update enhanced for doctor, date and time selection Version 2.16 Release Date 04/8/2008 FIX:Alternate schedule preview and appointment sheet print fixed Version 2.17 Release Date 08/8/2008 ADD:Setup, Settings, option to Set Appointment Sheet background Colour and overwrite Doctor background Colour ADD:Setup, Doctor Information, change,Defaults Tab, option to Set Doctor's Appointment Sheet background Colour FIX:Claim number in AISI fixed. FIX:Print directly to printer Fixed. Version 2.18 Release Date 19/8/2008 CHG:Reports,Patients,Statistics,By date entered,Date entered added ADD:Reports,Products,Sales,Detail with name added. Version 2.19 Release Date 21/8/2008 ADD:Day phone list uses alternate schedule Version 2.20 Release Date 25/8/2008 ADD:Preview One and Preview Three use alternate schedule Version 2.21 Release Date 29/8/2008 ADD:Report, Patients, Statistics, By Date Entered, option to include archived patients and sort by date entered added Add:Report, Patients, Lists, Inactive Patients, option to include archived patients added ADD:Make Appointment, Use calendar, Multi Calendar, Drag/Drop use alternate schedule CHG:Archiving and Restoring patients to or from the archive area now has progress screens showing the individual file progress of moving records. Version 2.22 Release Date 4/9/2008 ADD:Meetings added to Make Appointment, Preview, Preview One, Preview Three, Use Calendar, Multiple Calendar and Drag/Drop CHG:B.C. Change to'Injury Nature:','Injury Area :' and 'Injury Date :' in insurance information for WCB patients CHG:B.C. Change to Sequence number for notes in WCB submission. Version 2.23 Release Date 9/9/2008 ADD:Meetings included in reports,common,appointment book and clinic sheet. CHG:Enhanced warning to wait when the program is changing a patient's name in billings, payments and appointments. ADD:Ability to edit Archived patient information ADD:OK to all added when duplicate account numbers are ecountered when Archiving patient information ADD:Ability to modify health status in account billings Version 2.25 Release Date 24/10/2008 ADD:Reports, Accounts Receivable, Doctor receivable, use Patient Doctor balances added. ADD:Setup Settings, Use Select instead of drop down when booking appointments added for incremental keystroke lookup for numerous billing codes ADD:US diagnostic codes ADD:US Carrier Information ADD:Print US CMS 1500 Claim form on blank paper added CHG:US CMS 1500 Claim form printing enhanced CHG:Clinic sheet printing speed enhanced Version 2.26 Release Date 10/11/2008 ADD:Incremental lookup in select billing codes ADD:Place of service, Procedure Code, Diagnosis, Days or Units auto filled for US CMS 1500 Claim form. ADD:US Billing Codes Insurance procedure code added to update ADD:US Policies and Insured files added Version 2.27 Release Date 17/11/2008 FIX:Date entry for Canadian version all dd/mm/yy. Version 2.26 had some mm/dd/yy entries.Check the Birth Date of any new clients entered with 2.26 CHG:US, date entry enhanced CHG:US, signature on file added to CMS 1500 form CHG:US, A number of menus and fields modified to reflect US conditions CHG:New background picture Version 2.28 Release Date 21/11/2008 ADD:Allow user choice of background by putting a file named background.bmp (jpg,gif) into the wchiro folder FIX:Reports, Patient Appointments, Calendar, clips February at the 28th ADD:Reports,Patients,Statistics,By Postal Code now offers to group the first 3 characters and to limit the list to active patients. ADD:Reports,Statistics,Appointment Statistics to report the pattern of appointments by times and day of the week. CHG:Xrays posted to a list box instead of fixed entries. FIX:US diagnosis codes in the CMS 1500 claim form FIX:US "signature on file" for the CMS 1500 Claim form Version 2.31 Release Date 09/12/2008 ADD:Clinic choice to Reports,Statistics,Appointment Statistics ADD:Reports,Patients,Statistics, Postal Codes, ability to limit the reported entries to those with more than a certain number of entries, and to report only the largest selected number of entries CHG:Improved appointment icon for make appointment,Manual Preview,list,preview one,preview three. ADD:Return here when done option added to make appointment,multiple appointments, to facilitate, for example, entry of a series of adjustments, followed by a progress exam, then another series of adjustments, all from the same place, without re-picking the patient, etc. ADD:Make appointment, Preview one and preview three, Lock patient option, and lock code option, so that you can book a series of appointments without re_choosing the patient or billing code. Version 2.32 Release Date 22/12/2008 ADD:Two new tabs in Treatments. One with prefilled lists of treatments and phrases. A 2nd with fillable lists. Both allow for on same line/new line and capitalized or lower case. ADD:Time display with left click on appointment sheet ADD:Underline appointments on sheet to give a line acrosss the page to make seeing the correct time easier ADD:Lock patient/Unlock patient in patient browse so it will return to that patient next time patient browse is opened. Version 2.33 Release Date 7/1/2009 ADD:Setup,Settings,Select Colors for times in appointment sheet ADD:Setup,Settings,Set Appointment sheet columns for 1024 by 768 resolution FIX:Part Days Off for Doctor in last Column in Clinic Sheet CHG:Underline appointments on sheet removed Version 2.34 Release Date 25/1/2009 ADD:Setup,Settings,Set Appointment sheet columns for 1280 by ??? resolution ADD:Travel Card 4 with minor changes from Travel Card 3 ADD:Patient Last Receipt and Last Statement dates added to Other Tab in Patient Information, and Reports, Common, Receipt FIX:Reports,Common,Clinic Sheet FIX:Reports,Graph,Patient Sexes Version 2.35 Release Date 28/2/2009 ADD:Reports,Patient Appointments, Date Range to print a range of appointments including the past CHG:Updated Medivae Blue Cross Form ADD:Setup, Schedule,Days Off,Import Holidays button to add statutory days off for all Doctors for 2009-2011 automatically. This requires the download of holiday.txt from the web site into the wchiro folder. The file will need to be edited for US Holidays.... ADD:Reports,Patients,Lists,Birthday List,Age added to print those patients reaching a certain age that becoming a senior. ADD:Setup,Schedule,Regular Schedule,Insert offers to insert multiple times with variable intervals at once instead of one at a time. ADD:Setup,Schedule,Regular Schedule,Delete offers to delete multiple times at once instead of one at a time. ADD:Email Patient appointment list ADD:Email Patient Statement ADD:Extra error checking during transactions CHG:New Clinic Appointment sheet report FIX:Printing of dates on pre-printed CMS1500 Claim form can be suppressed Version 2.36 Release Date 8/3/2009 ADD:Authorizing user name and password added to email setup CHG:Html code for emailing statements and appointments improved FIX:Drag and Drop appointment making allowed making a blank appointment if no billing codes were entered for that patient's class Version 2.37 Release Date 15/3/2009 ADD:New Report, Statistics, Practitioner Appointment Statistics for patients who have seen a practitioner and when or if they have another appointment with that practitioner ADD:New Patient class, Inactive. Browse Patients has a new tab for inactive patients. Change a patient to inactive and they will appear on the inactive tab. Change their class back and they will be on the Name tab. CHG:Last Appointment replaces Home Address in Patient Browse CHG:CMS1500 claim form print on form alignment improved ADD:CMS1500 claim form adjustable margins added Version 2.38 Release Date 17/3/2009 ADD:US Tax ID ADD:CMC1500 print on form includes xray codes ADD:CMC1500 print on form includes signature on file FIX:Incremental locating restored to patient lookups, broken with addition of inactive tab in 2.37 Version 2.39 Release Date 10/4/2009 FIX:Patient assigned doctor defaults when booking appointments fixed FIX:Money bag and make appointments icons disabled in appointment book when user security is view only FIX:Meetings and Offs font corrected in preview, preview one and preview three ADD:Signature on File Date added to CMS1500 Form FIX:Day off and Holiday warning when making appointments Version 2.40 Release Date 4/5/2009 ADD:Days off and Holidays colour coded on all apointment booking calendars ADD:Days off and Holidays show as day off on all preview screens ADD:Days off and Holidays warnings added to all preview screens if appointment booking is attempted on a holiday or day off FIX:Appointment count on Clinic appointment sheet report. FIX:Appointment 'tails' on preview screens ADD:Patient doctor default when booking from charge visit screen for multiple appointments Version 2.41 Release Date 9/5/2009 CHG:Treatment plan days not limited to 255 ADD:Products can have GST or PST,Yes,No or Included FIX:Billings Tab updated after Other Billings utilized FIX:Multi Calendar booking CHG:In the US CMS1500 claim form the ability to leave box 6 blank if Medicare is the primary insurer. For the same reason box 4,7,11, can be completely blank. Also box 20 completely blank, and the birth date in box 9b. and all of 9 completely blank. CHG:In the US CMS1500 claim form date fields in 14, and 24 are set to have 6 digits ADD:The US CMS1500 claim form will print multiple copies when there are more than six account billings to submit FIX:The US CMS1500 claim form edited diagnosis prints correctly Version 2.42 Release Date 15/5/2009 CHG:Patient lock, unlock in select patients ADD:Reports, Patients, Statistics, Referral has options for,Detail, Summary or Both FIX:Zero fill signature on file in CMS1500 claim form Version 2.43 Release Date 23/5/2009 ADD:Exclude products from Reports, Statistics, Breakdown by Code FIX:Path for emailing appointments and statements Version 2.44 Release Date 15/6/2009 ADD:Make appointments from the process visit screen will default to the current appointment doctor if patient is not assigned to a doctor. FIX:Previous Balance date in Reports,Common,Patient Accounts,Regular,All when no previous bill and/or payment was found. FIX:Doctor selection for CMS1500 form CHG:Patient notes printing from update patient form to include name and date Version 2.45 Release Date 17/6/2009 CHG:Reports,Summary/Detail,Date Range Detail renamed to Date Range Breakdown ADD:New Reports,Summary/Detail,Date Range Detail FIX:Reports,common,appointments,When with billing codes set to no, the fifth column name was assigned to the first column name FIX:Color selection for Reports,Common,clinic appointment sheet ADD:Reports, Account Billings, Print By Time, to print out part day billings (ie.morning,afternoon) ADD:Utilities, Statements, option to print Flagged Patient's Statements Version 2.46 Release Date 11/7/2009 CHG:Reports,Common, Receipt, Page number eliminated to allow for half sheet printing FIX:Saskatchewan Health number check digit (verification) routine FIX:US Family booking ADD:Reports, Summary/Detail, Day Summary, Include Visit Detail, Yes or No, to print one page only ADD:Alberta XHC count down amount CHG:Blue Cross Form Fixes and Additions: 1. Employee Name - Showing last name only 2. Address - Showing address twice one on top of another. 3. Patient Last Name - Missing/Not showing on form Section B & C Should have no default as this is the responsiblity of the patient, all fields should be kept blank. 1. Clinic Address - shows full address in one line leaving city, province and postal code blank. 2. Diagnosis/ description of presenting problem or complaint not showing on the form. 3. Date Problem/complaint was initiated not showing on the form. 4. How many additional treaments are expected words can be used or numbers 5. Add select "provider type" on form. ( ie, Chiropractic, Pysio/ Massage Therapy...). 6. Add select "Location of service" Version 2.47 Release Date 28/8/2009 ADD:Check box to include appointments in a statement ADD:Setup, Settings, Check box to default to include appointments in a statement ADD:Check box to include ALL appointments in a RECEIPT ADD:Setup, Settings, Check box to default to include ALL appointments in a RECEIPT ADD:Appointment note transferred with drag and drop ADD:Appointment note transferred with cut/copy and paste CHG:GST/PST converted to State and Federal Taxes for US Version 2.48 Release Date 22/9/2009 ADD:Reports, Patients, Statistics, Referrals, Check boxes added to include or report only Referral Categories ADD:Reports, Patients, Statistics, Complaints, Check boxes added to include Detail, summary, Both and include or report only Complaint Categories ADD:Reports, Appointments, Print By Name, Doctor filter added ADD:Reports, Appointments, Print By Date, Doctor filter added Version 2.49 Release Date 01/10/2009 ADD:Email Appointment Reminders Version 2.50 Release Date 14/10/2009 ADD:Add Doctor selection to Reports, Graphs, Referral Source ADD:Add Referral Category to Reports, Graphs, Referral ADD:Email Appointment Sheets (Check your day on your web enabled cell phone!) CHG:Billing code length and height allow double digits Version 2.52 Release Date 28/10/2009 CHG:Transfer balances allows up to $9,999 CHG:Buttons to select balance to transfer in Transfer balances CHG:Warning if payment made while Transferring balances ADD:Subjects added to Email, Appointments, Reminders, Statements, & Appointment Sheets CHG:Improvements to Email, Appointment sheet ADD:Setup, Settings, Change Appointment Sheet Font ADD:Setup, Billing Codes, Change, Addition of omit from lists to allow users to limit the number of billing codes in drop down lists ADD:Successful test submissions of electronic HCAI OCF18 and OCF21 forms FIX:Appointment time fixed in Email, Appointment Reminders Version 2.53 Release Date 28/10/2009 ADD:Xray Billings reported separately in Reports, Summary/Detail, Day Summary and Date Range Summary CHG:Xray formatting in Statements for USA CHG:Monthly Statement format for USA ADD:Insurance Claim Form option for Patient bills or Insurance bills CHG:Xray billing for Ontario and Alberta defaults to Patient bill CHG:Reformatting of Charge Visit Screen for Ontario and Alberta eliminating Health fields ADD:Charge Visit, Print, Receipt, Last Payment This Doctor Itemized added Version 2.54 Release Date 26/11/2009 ADD:Charge Visit, Print, Receipt, Last Payment Other Doctor Itemized added ADD:Reports, Receivables, Patient Balance Discrepancies ADD:Reports, Receivables, Using Patient Due Balances CHG:Reports, Receivables, By Doctor, Using Patient Doctor Balances offers Clinic choice CHG:Reports, Receivables, By Doctor, Using Patient Billings Payments offers Clinic choice CHG:Reports, Receivables, Using Patient Billings Payments optimized to work faster ADD:Charge Visit, Print, Accounts as Receipt, to allow for printing Statements as Receipts Version 2.55 Release Date 3/12/2009 ADD:Browse, Doctor Billing Codes, and Setup, Settings, Use Individual Doctor Codes, to customize which codes are in the drop down lists for booking appointments ( chiropractor, only chiropractic services offered, select massage, only massage services offered, and only those that are currently active) ADD:Warnings in charge visit, and the appointment sheet, when a patient is set to a class that does not have a corresponding billing code ADD:Yield in Setup, Schedule, Regular Schedule, and Archive, so that program not responding should not occur when changing schedule, or archiving and restoring a patient. CHG:Reorganized Charge visit screen CHG:Select Class screen ADD:Various changes to accomodate Portuguese clients (long names, addresses, postal codes and phone numbers), including data transfer from excel. FIX:Some DVDs would keep Better Systems from starting Version 2.56 Release Date 15/12/2009 CHG:new/improved icons on main page with access to weekly and monthly appointment screens FIX:Saskatchewan Health submission ADD:Saskatchewan Health submission notes CHG:Select patient screens ADD:USA add Health bill to Health balance ADD:USA Modify account status in account billings ADD:USA modify account status to 'b' when CMS1500 cliam form submitted CHG:USA change the 'Signature on File date' field to match the birthdate field Version 2.57 Release Date 24/12/2009 ADD:Clinic appointment sheet will show 'No Schedule' for time slots that are not in the schedule for that practitioner FIX:Incorrect 'Billing code not found' messages when entering the appointment sheet (introduced 2.55) Version 2.58 Release Date 06/01/2010 ADD:Appointment sheet icon when sheet is open. FIX:Appointment file closed after schedule change. Version 2.59 Release Date 11/01/2010 ADD:Email Birthday Patients ADD:Export Birthday Patients ADD:Export Birthday Patients' Email Addresses ADD:Conflicting appointment detail when deleting or changing a billing code causes a warning. ADD:Utilities, appointment utilities, Change All Billings to New Product Code For All Classes ADD:Setup, Products, Unlisted Tab ADD:Setup, Products, Change, Move to Unlisted Tab check box to clean up products list of unused product codes ADD:Setup, Schedule, Check and Repair Schedules FIX:Charge Visit screen, Print, Receipt, Other Doctor Itemized would pop up 'Payment not found' multiple times if a payment for that doctor was not found Version 2.60 Release Date 16/01/2010 CHG:Tax receipt does not update patient last receipt date ADD:Last receipt date on other tab on charge visit screen CHG:Last receipt date updated from print account as receipt on charge visit screen Version 2.61 Release Date 23/01/2010 ADD:Export, Patient Summary Information, Birthday Emails, check box to add patient name and birth date Version 2.62 Release Date 28/01/2010 ADD:Export, Patient Summary Information, Birthday Emails, Active Patients selection and output to CSV file CHG:New/Improved Icons and formatting ADD:Cerpic/Travel Card 5 added FIX:B.C. file manager warning when opening diagnostic category file CHG:B.C. Doctor default column added to defaults tab Version 2.63 Release Date 1/02/2010 FIX:Practitioner Occupation for HCAI if occupation text is greater than 20 characters CHG:New/Improved Icons and formatting Version 2.64 Release Date 5/02/2010 CHG:New/Improved Icons and formatting CHG:Postal Code reformatted to xxx xxx from xxxxxx in Export, Patient summary information Version 2.65 Release Date 8/02/2010 CHG:New/Improved Icons and formatting CHG:Provider Occupation list for HCAI updated Version 2.66 Release Date 13/02/2010 ADD:Browse, Patients, Query, Salutation added ADD:Allow other Specialty codes for WSIB submission Version 2.67 Release Date 16/02/2010 CHG:Setup, Doctor Information, Change, HCAI Tab, Occupation list updated Version 2.68 Release Date 18/02/2010 CHG:Setup, Doctor Information, Change, Default Tab, Maximum Appointments or Short Length changes use enhanced update and wait for Ok to be selected ADD:Special Rate/Discount, Discount applied to Charge Visit/Other Billings, Services with a pop up notice Version 2.69 Release Date 19/02/2010 NEW:Drag and Drop across doctors ADD:Setup, Schedule, Check and Repair Schedules, on the fly edit of invalid times ADD:Setup, Schedule, Check and Repair Schedules, check and on the fly edit of time lengths (equal to maximum appointments, short across, or zero for closed) Version 2.70 Release Date 22/02/2010 NEW:Double clicking a blank spot in a doctor's column defaults to that doctor for making an appointment CHG:Utilities, Appointment Utilities, Move appointments would not allow moving appointments to an earlier date changed to warning appointments are being moved to an earlier date ADD:Reports, Summary/Detail,Patient Future Appointment or Recall report details day's patient's future appointment or recall status CHG:Setup, Schedule and Alternate Schedule reformatted for 800 by 600 resolution Version 2.71 Release Date 24/02/2010 FIX:Charge Xray via Services (Billing Codes) produced incorrect result (introduced in version 2.53) Version 2.72 Release Date 26/02/2010 CHG:Drag and Drop across doctors works for all doctor's columns (was just first doctor column) CHG:Double clicking a blank spot in a doctor's column defaults to that doctor for making an appointment works for all doctor's columns ADD:Yes button to move appointments to an earlier date in utilities, appointment utilities NEW:Inserting an appointment only needs patient selection and code selection to book an appointment (double click or right click, insert on appointment sheet) FIX:Appointment Status drop down Debit and Credit reversed ADD:Patient Filenumber added to make payment screen ADD:Print Invoice/Receipt from Other Activity screen CHG:Reports, Detail/Summary, Day Summary include no future appointments only printed if include visit detail was also selected Version 2.73 Release Date 27/02/2010 FIX:Double click on appointment sheet would book an appointment for the first entry if patient select screen or code select screen was closed and not selected ADD:Setup, Settings, choice to Default Include Missed Appointment Detail in Day Summary ADD:Setup, Settings, choice to Default Include No Future Appointment Detail in Day Summary ADD:Setup, Settings, choice to Default Include Visit Detail in Day Summary ADD:Setup, Settings, choice to Default Include Missed Appointment Detail in Date Range Summary ADD:Setup, Settings, choice to Default Include No Future Appointment Detail in Date Range Summary Version 2.74 Release Date 03/03/2010 FIX:Double click on individual doctor's appointment sheet will book an appointment for that doctor (problem introduced in version 2.70) Version 2.75 Release Date 13/03/2010 FIX:No schedule will now show for last doctor on clinic sheet CHG:Travel Card 5 will fit on 4" by 1 1/3" label ADD:Reports, Receipt, Filter Products option ADD:Charge Visit, Receipt, Filter Products option ADD:Charge Visit, Print, Appointments by List, Calendar or Date range ADD:Browse, Missed/Recall, Current Only button to filter to current entries (switch on and off) ADD:Browse, Missed/Recall, Recall Only button to filter to Recall entries only (switch on and off) ADD:Browse, Patient Information, Missed/Recall, Current Only button to filter to current entries (switch on and off) ADD:Browse, Patient Information, Missed/Recall, Recall Only button to filter to Recall entries only (switch on and off) ADD:Charge Visit, Missed/Recall Tab, Current Only button to filter to current entries (switch on and off) ADD:Charge Visit, Missed/Recall Tab, Recall Only button to filter to Recall entries only (switch on and off) CHG:Remove sky background from Report selection screens CHG:Remove background from main sheet (Use your own background if you wish. Just put a file named background.jpg (gif,bmp) in the wchiro folder) CHG:Remove sky background from Make Appointment screens ADD:Charge Visit, Make Appointment, Preview One will default to current patient, appointment code, and doctor or patient doctor ADD:Charge Visit, Make Appointment, Preview Three will default to current patient, appointment code and doctor or patient doctor FIX:Charge Visit, Make Appointment, Preview One, Preview Three, Use Calendar created extra window open icons FIX:Appointment sheet, Insert appointment created extra window open icons ADD:Charge Visit, Make Appointment, Use Calendar will default to current patient, appointment code, and doctor or patient doctor ADD:Charge Visit, Make Appointment, Multi Calendar will default to current patient, appointment code and doctor or patient doctor CHG:Appointment sheet, Insert reverted to previous make appointment method ADD:Charge Visit, Make Appointment, Preview One, Calendar day selection will change colour to green to track selected appointment days CHG:Up to 20 columns per doctor in their appointment sheet (Printing currently supports up to 9) Version 2.76 Release Date 19/03/2010 FIX:Book Appointment Family (problem introduced in version 2.55) FIX:Appointment wrapping for 2nd to last doctor on clinic sheet FIX:Automatic creation of reimburse.tps for HCAI submission of OCF21C ADD:Double click or right click, insert on appointment sheet to book an appointment now checks for duplicate appointment that day ADD:Double click or right click, insert on appointment sheet to book an appointment now prompts to remove recalls ADD:Utilities, Appointment Utilities, Delete All Future Appointments For a Patient Version 2.77 Release Date 21/03/2010 ADD:New screen to edit the patient charge if the billing code patient charge is zero, adding any taxes, in Charge Visit and Other Billings, Services CHG:Product charge is available for editing Version 2.78 Release Date 05/04/2010 FIX:Double click or right click, insert on appointment sheet to book an appointment and insert patient inserts at correct time ADD:Cerpic Card 6 as slight adjustment to cerpic card 1 FIX:Submission of HCAI OCF22 FIX:Submission of OCF21B with taxes included Version 2.79 Release Date 15/04/2010 ADD:Cut and paste works across individual Doctor Schedules ADD:Cut and paste works across Doctors on Clinic sheet CHG:Modified Labels to allow for longer City/Province field FIX:HCAI OCF12B submitted for previously approved OCF22 submits blank plan number CHG:Cerpic Card 6 slight adjustment of fields to the left Version 2.80 Release Date 22/06/2010 CHG:HST for applicable provinces (tax rates must be set properly under Setup menu) ADD:Notes added to Gift Certificates ADD:Separate (estimated) doctor receivable amounts for Reports, Receivables, On Specific Date ADD:Email address added to Export, All Patient Information ADD:Email address added to Export, Patient Summary Information FIX:Export, Patient Summary Information, Email list CHG:On Appointment sheet, Doctor Drop down will change colours to accommodate different background colours FIX:Drag and Drop on individual doctor appointment sheets will not change appointment doctor FIX:Drag and drop chooses proper time slot when dragging from an earlier slot with multiple bookings Version 2.81 Release Date 26/07/2010 ADD:Can now suppress email printing on receipts and statements (via Setup, Settings) ADD:Invoice option under Reports, Patient Accounts. This creates a statement showing the bill(s), without the overall patient balance. FIX:Error when restoring a patient with a class that no longer exists, will now prompt for a new class FIX:GST/HST and PST recalculate properly for an edited patient bill FIX:Now shows GST # or HST # on receipts and statements as applicable rather than GST/HST # (resolves a formatting issue) CHG:Updated program dialog windows with the new company phone number Version 2.82 Release Date 31/08/2010 CHG:Updates to HCAI interface and back end to reflect HCAI system's Sept. 1st changes **requires new hcai.exe downloadable separately FIX:Excess No Schedule entries when doctor columns are not set Version 2.83 Release Date 21/09/2010 CHG:Appointment book columns now automatically resize according to the screen resolution (also works better with custom fonts) CHG:Doctor colours now show for empty slots as well (cover the whole column) CHG:Appointments now use the colours currently set for the billing code, fall back on the saved colour only if the code is missing. CHG:More helpful message when billing codes are missing/not found Version 3.00 Release Date 20/01/2011 FIX:Fully resolved issues with extra icons appearing along the top of the screen CHG:New Windows Vista/7 friendly help system and help file (context sensitive links are not yet fully implemented) CHG:Added an End User License Agreement (EULA) to the program to outline legal terms of use, and updated the Help - About screen. ADD:Provided the option to adjust tax rates when charging products (for example for Indian Affairs or sell-through between practitioners) CHG:Clinic appointment book will now allow displaying only the desired practitioners (set their default/clinic column, and set others to 0) CHG:Clinic appointment book properly auto-assigns columns if no practitioners have them set (all 0) CHG:Changed the toolbar and main program icons to create a more modern look and feel FIX:Removed the screen artifact when using the drop-down calendar (note drop-down is slower, but changing months is quicker) FIX:Resolved issues when changing a billing. When editing the base charge and/or the tax, the tax and patient bill will recalculate and be applied properly. FIX:When booking appointments using Multi Calendar from the patient Process screen, it will again ask for the billing code for the new appointment(s) ADD:Added option to "Default Print Receipt to Last Payment Itemized" in Setup - Settings (this will pre-select that option, still allowing the choice) CHG:Changed font on the Browse - Account Adjustments screen to improve readability and alignment ADD:Added a check to warn the user if they need to install the HCAI package for online submission CHG:Added option to continue or stop processing when errors are encountered while sending emails to multiple patients FIX:Calendar was not changing to previous year when going back a month from January ADD:Warnings for Check and Repair Schedules as well as Archive functions CHG:Many background changes to support the upcoming TCP/IP networked version of the program CHG:Various other minor tweaks and adjustments Version 3.01 Release Date 24/02/2011 CHG:Vastly improved update and error checking for the patient process screen, particularly for multi-user scenarios FIX:Checkbox icons for Blue Cross and certain other screens were not showing correctly FIX:Resolved an issue which could cause certain HCAI-related files to be reset FIX:Other minor background tweaks, fixes and adjustments Version 3.02 Release Date 04/03/2011 CHG:HCAI Occupation lists updated to reflect March 7th HCAI changes FIX:HCAI OCF21 PAF Type is not hidden if it was selected previously, and value is saved as appropriate Version 3.03 Release Date 28/03/2011 FIX:BC Health Funds Left would not always display correctly on the Browse - Patients screen FIX:Receipt - Date Range Itemized and Tax Receipt from the Process screen were prompting with a second calendar and cutting off some text ADD:Option to print multiple copies for Receipt, Patient Accounts, Account as Receipt, Insurance, Invoice, Appointment Book, Clinic Sheet and Appts by Code ADD:Ability to show appointments on Patient Account printout from the Process screen (respects Settings flag to do this by default) ADD:New report, Appoints by Code, to list a day's appointments with a column for each billing code. Can filter by practitioner and choose specific codes. CHG:Moved Reports - Receipt into Reports - Patient Account menu, created Reports - Appointment Book menu to accomodate the now 3 applicable reports CHG:From Process screen, Print - Receipt - Previous Payment Itemized will now show the doctor info that corresponds to the chosen payment Version 3.04 Release Date 15/04/2011 FIX:Copies option now works correctly for the Appointment Book report when choosing One Page Printing FIX:Removed Insert, Change and Delete buttons from the Select Patient screen (except from the Appt Book) to reduce confusion and avoid potential issues CHG:Allowed pushing Enter rather than Tab after entering the login password (can now do either) FIX:Fixed issues when updating from very old versions and crashes after upgrading files FIX:On the Days Off screen, clicking on the calendar will no longer appear to reset the doctor FIX:Erroneous message that info is missing on Book Appointment - Multiple, with patient preferred days or after un-checking only one day FIX:Issue when billing BC health plan only for Exempt patients, and visit count when changing BC health charge for billings ADD:Option for Refund from Process screen or Billing/Payment icon. Offsets an existing billing and payment pair by adding a negative billing and payment to fully record the refund including taxes etc. Version 3.05 Release Date 05/05/2011 FIX:Receipts no longer show extra billings when using the Filter Products option (now matches product billings to payments without showing them) FIX:Resized Process - Make Payment, Day Summary options, Weekly and Monthly appt views, and Receipt calendar position to fit on 800x600 resolution CHG:Account as Receipt and Invoice reports now show taxes, Invoice also now includes the total ADD:Option added to New Patients report to include only new patients up to a certain date (ie. can now choose a specific date range) CHG:Re-enabled the Insert, Change and Delete buttons when selecting a patient from the Make or Change Appointment screen (Insert from appt book etc.) ADD:Invoice and Insurance reports now available from the patient Process screen Print button list FIX:Since Last option when printing should now work more reliably, particularly for Receipts FIX:Date being viewed in the appointment book does not disappear from the top of the screen after opening a patient's appointment FIX:Browse - Missed/Recall now only shows a Next Appointment when the patient has a future appointment (blank if no future appts or last is today) ADD:New option on Days Always Off, None, to allow for practitioners who work 7 days a week CHG:Day Detail and Date Range Detail reports now show the payment type in text, rather than a single letter or number Version 3.06 Release Date 20/05/2011 CHG:Improved appointment book mouse-over tooltips - all appointments and time slots will now show info without clicking ADD:Option to Omit Doctor Balances on the Reports - Receivables - Patient Balance Discrepancies report ADD:Option to not include credit balances on the Reports - Receivables - Using Patient Doctor Balances report ADD:Warning when more than one doctor are set to the same column on the appointment book clinic sheet ADD:Warning when columns are assigned, but no doctor is set to column one on the appointment book clinic sheet CHG:Prompt to auto-adjust the appt book Clinic Columns when a doctor column is set beyond current number; ignores docs set beyond program max FIX:Better handling when dragging appointment to a nonexistent time slot - will now simply report the error and leave the appointment alone FIX:When deleting an appointment and charging for it, the Charge screen could display the wrong code and appt notes ADD:When deleting an appointment and charging for it, new option to enter the billing as MISSD, then shows as MISSED APPOINTMENT on reports CHG:Enabled the ability to add a custom message when emailing appointment reminders FIX:Patient Last Appointment will not be back-dated when processing an old appt, return to last processed appt when uncharging current appt CHG:When opening or refreshing a day on the appointment book, program will only warn once for each class or code (per class) not found Version 3.07 Release Date 07/07/2011 ADD:Ability to mark billing codes inactive fully implemented (was Omit from Lists), inactive codes now a separate tab in setup, hidden elsewhere CHG:Date formats throughout the program now use the Windows settings for Short Date (found in Control Panel, Regional Settings) CHG:Various minor formatting changes and improvements to go along with the date change while re-integrating our US software FIX:Next Appointment now shows correctly (on the Personal tab) when opening patients from the Appointment Book CHG:Added a warning message to the Music Player icon due to the potential for SOCAN licensing issues CHG:Removed the Communications icon since it's no longer used at this point FIX:Possible toolbar icon size inconsistencies when using Windows settings to make everything larger CHG:Resized the Treatment Notes entry window to fit on lower resolution screens and hid the non-functional tabs CHG:Removed the sky background graphic from progess windows throughout the program for better readability CHG:Insurance report now respects Suppress Health Print setting, and renamed option to show Selected Billings Only CHG:Better refreshing of Browse Patients update screen when changes to the patient are made elsewhere ADD:Can choose how many months to show (between 2 and 8) when using the Patient Appointments - Calendar report FIX:Formatting on patient account and appointment reports for very long clinic and practitioner names FIX:Error messages when choosing Print, Appointments, Date Range and then Cancel from patient process screen CHG:Accomodates much longer InsurerID and BranchID entries for both HCAI forms and Insurance Company list FIX:HCAI OCF23 form was sending an incorrect response for the Prior and Concurrent Conditions section Version 3.08 Release Date 26/07/2011 ADD:Option on Date Range Detail report to display entries for One Billing Code Only ADD:New Report, Patients - Statistics - Account History, gives overview for patients with appointments on the chosen day ADD:Reports - Graphs - Referral Source and Referral Category now allow limiting to patients entered in a date range CHG:Days Off and Days Always Off now show the Off text and tooltip for all time slots on the Clinic sheet CHG:Inactive Patients list, Include Patients with Future Appointments as No will not show patients with appointments today CHG:Ontario WSIB menu removed for now since those functions are not yet completed CHG:Day Phone List report now allows setting the number of weeks to mark last visit for follow ups CHG:Program login screen now allows pushing enter on the username, not only the password FIX:Disabling the Settings option for Use Individual Doctor Codes takes effect immediately FIX:Resolved issues using the Make Appointment - Use Calendar option then changing the Code on the confirmation screen CHG:Export - Patient Summary Information - Email List now produces CSV spreadsheet with name and birth date as well FIX:Reports - Graphs - Patient Ages was not displaying the Age Categories options CHG:Reports - Products - Sales Report, when choosing One Product, will now display Quantity On Hand FIX:Improved formatting on Inventory by Product report ADD:Option to print only chosen pages for many of the Patients reports (Lists, Breakdown and Statistics) Version 3.09 Release Date 21/09/2011 CHG:Program now uses code signing to verify publisher and integrity, improving interaction with antivirus etc. CHG:Improved update and error checking for the Make Billing or Payment screen and similar tasks, esp. for multi-user scenarios CHG:Convenient new installer for updates CHG:Inactive Patients report now uses a date range instead of choosing the number of weeks ADD:Added the option to print multiple copies of the Summary and Detail reports Version 3.10 Release Date 23/09/2011 FIX:Resolved an issue when charging xrays which was inadvertently introduced in the last version Version 3.11 Release Date 24/10/2011 ADD:Option to save completed Recalls as a Note, removing reminder popups but saving the information FIX:Regular Schedule(s) - Insert - Midday should now work as expected FIX:For US version, Health tab on patient file and Health Code in Billing Codes now say Insurance FIX:Removed possibility of accidentally opening multiple appointment book windows CHG:Recalls Of The Day report now includes the date at the top of the page FIX:Settings option to Select Colors for Times shows selection screen, is reset immediately when deselected CHG:Wait screen when changing core patient info from appt book changed to match the Browse - Patient Info version Version 3.12 Release Date 25/11/2011 CHG:Updates to match the most recent HCAI changes for Ontario (**requires downloading our latest HCAI package) CHG:HCAI OCF21C and OCF23 no longer need to choose between WAD1 and WAD2 variants FIX:HCAI intermittent File Not Open error on OCF forms resolved FIX:Resolved rounding issues with taxes in U.S. version when charging products CHG:Added a warning when the user tries to delete a billing code from the billing code selection screen FIX:Manually changing an appointment from the appt tab or browse list now much less error-prone FIX:Right-click then Move on an appt book appointment will no longer move it to the wrong time FIX:Reports - Appointment Book times corrected when using an alternate schedule and one page printing FIX:Patient Treatment notes entered manually during the initial Insert will now be saved properly Version 3.13 Release Date 28/12/2011 FIX:Toolbar navigation icons for appt book could sometimes become disabled, should no longer occur FIX:Several more of the Setup - Settings options are now undone immediately after being unchecked FIX:Appointment book columns should now size correctly when screen DPI is increased on Windows XP CHG:Receipts in the US version now show the insurance code (procedure), removed Federal Tax column CHG:Billings and payments in listings and printouts now display up to 5 digits before the decimal FIX:When changing the doctor on a patient file, doctor name will now be updated and saved correctly CHG:Added a section for Additional Comments on the HCAI OCF21B form, expanded area on OCF21C and 23 FIX:US version Activity tab in Browse - Patient Information screen now displays correctly on open Version 3.14 Release Date 26/01/2012 ADD:Appt book now shows Closed text on closed slots, No Schedule continues into expanded slots ADD:Meetings on the appointment book will now show the meeting note in the mouse-over popup CHG:Select Patient screen now allows double-clicking or pushing enter to select CHG:When inserting a new patient class, it will now default to index 1 rather than 0 CHG:Statements in the US version now show the insurance code (procedure), removed Health column FIX:Totals on Patient Account statement now align with the above columns properly CHG:Receipt - Tax Receipt option from Process screen no longer shows Next Appointment Version 3.15 Release Date 02/03/2012 ADD:Setup-Settings option to disable the Closed text display added in the last version FIX:Issue inadvertently introduced in the last version with multi-height appts obscuring others FIX:Some reports were not filtering correctly on the IP client-server program version CHG:When double-clicking to book an appointment, program will now verify the time slot exists Version 3.16 Release Date 11/04/2012 CHG:Date Range Summary will now include financial data from the archive, option to omit it FIX:Overhaul of transaction processing to remove potential for patient balance update issues FIX:US version was not calculating taxes correctly when manually editing the appt charge ADD:Expanded options on the Patients - Statistics - Referrals report for Referral Categories CHG:Improved formatting on emails produced by the Email - Appointment Reminders function ADD:New Reports - Summary/Detail - Payments Summary, to break down daily payments by doctor FIX:Billing additional services from Process screen again reflects temporary class changes Version 3.17 Release Date 10/05/2012 ADD:Browse/Select Patient columns now customizable, right click - List Formats - Format Setup CHG:When (un)assigning or changing Alternate Schedules, appointments now adjusted to match ADD:More options on Account History report for choosing which patients to report on CHG:Removed the Insert button from the Regular Schedules - Visual screen for now CHG:Further formatting adjustments on emails produced by Email - Appointment Reminders FIX:Right-click and Change an appointment no longer removes the appointment note FIX:Changing Regular Schedule will no longer shift appts on days with Alternate Schedules FIX:Last Appointment shows correctly on Select Patient screen (plus more optional columns) FIX:Adding a new practitioner will no longer trash existing practitioner schedule setup Version 3.18 Release Date 28/06/2012 CHG:Updates to match the latest HCAI changes for Ontario CHG:Appointment book will be reselected after choosing a doctor from the dropdown list CHG:On Process screen - Make Payment, payment amount will now be first field selected FIX:Dates were being cut off on the Receivables - Credit Balances report CHG:On Make Billing/Payment screen, choosing a patient will also select their doctor Version 3.19 Release Date 01/08/2012 ADD:New Export - Products option to export product and inventory information CHG:Re-instated option to print HCAI OCF21B (form not yet fully up to date) FIX:Email - Appointment Sheet will now properly format the sender name (From:) CHG:Payments Summary now includes a section for payments to the general clinic FIX:Resolved issue with times showing Reset after returning from Visual schedule editor CHG:Patient age added after their name in the bottom left on the Process screen Version 3.20 Release Date 01/11/2012 ADD:Email settings now support TLS and SSL server security for Gmail etc. FIX:Email functions will now work more reliably, particularly for bulk emailing ADD:Notes can be added to billings, prompts for Products, Discounts and Writeoffs CHG:Latest HCAI changes for Ontario (**requires downloading our latest HCAI package) ADD:Option, defaultable in Settings, to filter zero billings on Day and Date Range Detail CHG:Invoice, Last Bill ignores billings with zero amount, displays last non-zero bill CHG:Account as Receipt will now also include the practitioner Receipt message ADD:Option added to Make Billing/Payment - Refund screen to Credit Patient Account ADD:For Windows 8, installer will now add a program icon to the Start screen CHG:Receipts, Account Statements and Invoices now include patient birth date FIX:Right click - Change on appt book, then Add Note will again overwrite old note FIX:Appt book delete key or button, then Change, will also keep appointment notes FIX:When editing an appointment manually, changing the time will not undo note edits FIX:Clicking a Next Appointment on the Process screen will show the correct note ADD:Option to mark Xray codes as Unlisted (similar to Products and Billing Codes) CHG:Expanded Product Name field to match Billing Code Description length Version 3.21 Release Date 22/01/2013 FIX:Insert/Change/Manual Book appt screen has improved handling for appt times FIX:Email - Patient Appointments could sometimes send to the wrong address ADD:Reports - Receivables - Using Billings and Payments option for As of Date ADD:Option to disable playback of the birthday song (will still show popup) CHG:Patient Information screen now shows age at bottom left like Process screen CHG:Vital Statistics reports modified to handle larger amounts CHG:Vital Statistics include any code starting with NP as a new patient visit ADD:Make Billing/Payment screen - lock to prevent automatic doctor selection ADD:Email - Patient Statements output includes practitioner registration number Version 3.22 Release Date 26/04/2013 CHG:Removed toolbar button for Music Player, added Browse Patients and Quick Print CHG:Returned to GST/PST in place of HST for BC (but rates must be set manually) FIX:Auto-coloured columns will show background colour for Part Off and Meeting times FIX:Program should no longer crash on startup when certain removable drives are used ADD:Settings option to use time colours (incl. custom) for Clinic sheet background ADD:Option to CC the clinic email address when sending appt sheets, Settings default CHG:Removed buggy Check and Repair Schedules option, Insert/Delete on Visual screens CHG:Removed extra unlabeled amount from Receivables - On Specific Date report ADD:Option to include billing notes on Statistics - Activity By Type report CHG:Added Cell Phone and Work Phone to Patient list - Query options CHG:Added a check for commas in the email Sender Name to prevent issues FIX:Make Appointment - Preview One changing month at end of year goes to correct year Version 3.23 Release Date 13/08/2013 ADD:SMS (Cell) text reminders and SMS text messaging, free to send via providers CHG:Can now choose which reminder type(s) a patient wants - phone, email, SMS text ADD:Setup - SMS Gateways plus Reports - Patients - Breakdown - SMS / No SMS List CHG:Email - Appointment Reminders and Reports - Day Phone List filter reminder types ADD:New graphs - Number of Payments, and Payment Dollars FIX:Program crash on startup with certain removable drives when run over a network ADD:Setup - Settings - Select Colors for No Schedule/Off/Meeting/Closed text ADD:Patient Preferred Contact method (reference only), at top-right of Personal tab CHG:Removed Dial buttons on patient files, as complicated to set up and unused CHG:Can now archive patients directly from Inactive and other tabs on patient list CHG:Reports - Patients - Statistics - Referrals option to show missing referrals CHG:IP Client program connection settings displays host name and port separately FIX:When deleting an appointment and adding a recall, it will use the appt doctor CHG:Re-allowed Insert/Change/Delete patients from Setup - Gift Certificates FIX:Make Appointment - Preview One and Preview Three no longer book wrong appt type FIX:View-Only user access limitations for various relatively new functions Version 3.24 Release Date 06/02/2014 ADD:Can now charge/uncharge appointments directly from the appt book via right-click ADD:Optional Wait List, can arrive to wait list, charge afterward (Setup - Settings) ADD:Comprehensive new Treatment Plan and Block Billing features, including templates ADD:Print - Patient Account option for Treatment Plan, provides full history of plan CHG:Patient Account printout will default to Treatment Plan when a plan is assigned ADD:Email/Text reminders to Selected Patients Only (next appt on or after chosen date) CHG:Mouse-over appointment on appt book will show appt code and patient balance FIX:Account History report - using Date Range and Doctor filters together now works CHG:Receivables - Using Billings & Payments, can now limit to chosen date onward CHG:Receipts and Statements can now use a Clinic header, removes doc-specific info CHG:Clinic Only option added for Product Sales Report, Day Detail and Date Range Detail CHG:Process Screen - Other Billings - Product allows selecting doctor, including Clinic FIX:Receipts apart from Process screen will only auto-select doctor for single payments FIX:Receipts using Other Doctor or Previous Payment options could show incorrect header CHG:Can now push Enter to select a patient from the Browse Patients list CHG:If the billing is not found when uncharging an appointment, option to reset anyway CHG:Quick Print and Process screen printouts including options now match exactly CHG:Process screen Print - Receipt single payment printouts show that payment doctor CHG:U.S. CMS1500 Insurance Claim form printout - option to hide Signature on File text FIX:Patient Account could print Family Account or Running Balance after un-selecting CHG:Account History report has improved formatting, total number of billings/payments ADD:Option to automatically always Save As Note when removing recalls FIX:Make Appointment - Preview One/Three from toolbar would not book correct time CHG:Insert from the appointment book will no longer change doctor on selecting patient ADD:Date Range filter on graphs - Ages, Classes, Marital, Doctor, Complaint, Sexes ADD:Account as Receipt printout now shows the payment types FIX:Browse - Missed/Recall - Insert will not by default insert under doctor zero ADD:Option to update appointment classes/colours when doing Change Class Permanent ADD:ID Number field for Insurance information, on Health/Insurance tab CHG:Patient Future Appointment or Recall report moved to Missed/Recall List section CHG:Users with Report - NO will have no access to overall clinic financial reports Version 3.25 Release Date 30/01/2015 CHG:Visual overhaul and operating system compatibility modernization FIX:Help buttons and F1 key for screen-specific help now work once again CHG:Can print a treatment plan statement for a specific date range of treatments CHG:Ability to browse all treatment plans and delete a plan, reallocates payments etc. FIX:Printing multiple envelopes will now work properly, no longer offsets them FIX:Print on Letterhead option prints properly for patient receipts and statements FIX:Waiting list works properly on individual practitioner screens, not just Clinic FIX:Program will warn when the patient note field is too large to be saved CHG:Reports - Payments option to filter by payment type, also maximized preview CHG:Patient receipts and statements now show notes added on discounts/writeoffs FIX:Clinic Expenses will now display and function properly (Categories, Items) FIX:Right-click to Charge used appt booked class rather than current patient class FIX:GST/HST number could be cut off at the top of various patient printouts FIX:Attempting to assign a duplicate Alternate Schedule will not shift appointments FIX:Commas in outgoing emails or sender/recipient information could cause issues CHG:Reports - Account Billings will now tally the number of billings in total CHG:New practitioner types added for HCAI in Ontario FIX:Improved checking when paying by Gift Certificate from the Process screen CHG:Option to automatically clear recalls when booking with same practitioner CHG:Discount and WriteOff screens will now properly handle larger amounts FIX:Family Members list will display properly when first accessed from Appt Book ADD:Option on Patient Account and Account As Receipt to print statement for Today CHG:Treatment Notes will now track Created and Modified Date, Time and User CHG:Check whether payments should go to Treatment Plan when doctor does not match CHG:Prompts for how to bill missed visits and additional services included in plans CHG:New licensing regime for improved licensing of practitioners and notes users CHG:Additional Users security options to deal with patient treatment notes access ADD:Query Patients list by Insurance Company (code) CHG:Practitioner registration number field expanded from 15 to 16 characters CHG:Users with View Only set can now navigate to different days of the schedule FIX:Advanced appointment booking options could default to unexpected start dates CHG:Manually inserting on the Missed/Recall list will default to adding a Recall Version 3.26 Release Date 25/08/2015 ADD:New insurance handling tab for tracking patient plans and submissions CHG:Compatibility updates for recent Windows versions when using high DPI settings FIX:Resolved issues sending emails via Hotmail/ and some others CHG:Disabled changing patient balances from the Process screen/tab for ALL versions FIX:Proper logging if patient balance is manually changed while processing an appt CHG:Updated HCAI functionality and client package for Ontario version CHG:Extra payment types allow two more slots, and no longer uppercase only FIX:Graph labels along the bottom were getting cut off, should happen less now CHG:Visits graph now groups those with 10 or more visits for better readability FIX:Browse - New Style Mail Merge - Open button again works correctly FIX:Receipt, Previous Payment when there is more than one entered on the same day CHG:When editing existing treatment notes, it will now jump to the Note edit tab CHG:When printing treatment notes with no header, the program will add a header FIX:Printing treatment notes > Date Range will only print notes for that patient FIX:Program would sometimes incorrectly ask whether to credit customer account FIX:Improved display formatting on Date Range Breakdown and Summary reports CHG:Receipt and Account As Receipt show negative payments explicitly as refunds CHG:Patient Popup Notes will now display when opening patient via Browse Patients Better Notes: ADD:Internal Doctor Notes section for making private notes on patients ADD:Button to view Last Note when editing various other areas and screens CHG:Added a Use SSL option in connection settings in case the setting is lost Version 3.27 Release Date 27/07/2016 ADD:Can now email or save patient printouts as PDF files, matching the printouts! CHG:Improved contrast on patient information screens (appointments & files) FIX:Appt Book columns were not sizing correctly at higher DPI settings CHG:Print - Insurance now has option to show only selected billings AND payments FIX:Resolved various issues when archiving and restoring patients CHG:Archive files added for Treatment Plans, Notes, and Insurance tracking CHG:Removed the option to archive old billings and payments (problematic) CHG:Improved contrast and forms on patient information in archive area CHG:Insurance/Patient Outstanding now calculated using Pay Expected if present FIX:Error could occur when matching payments to insurance submissions FIX:Matching payment to insurance sub. would show submissions for ALL patients CHG:Can now spread one insurance payment across multiple submissions/billings CHG:Allocations for insurance payments improved and can be manually adjusted CHG:When selecting from a list of billings or payments, most recent shown first CHG:Insurance and Patient amounts now displayed on file and in money bag screen CHG:Can also allocate payment to insurance submissions via Payments tab - Insert ADD:Access to add, edit and delete patient popup notes from patient file CHG:Export - Patient Summary Information - Inactive Patients uses dates, not weeks CHG:CMS 1500 form updated for the United States version CHG:Minor HCAI changes for the Ontario version FIX:Patient Class Not Found error after printing certain patient printouts CHG:Option to filter out insurance payments on receipts (including tax receipt) CHG:Time and Appointment Sheet Colours in Settings works for individual docs CHG:No Future Appointments report will hide Number of Weeks when choosing All FIX:Setup - Settings will no longer lose all settings when OK is not clicked CHG:Option (in Setup - Settings) to include only first names in appt reminders Version 3.28 Release Date 20/04/2018 ADD:Can now add attachments to patient files! Must first set permissions (Users) ADD:New Premium SMS Texting to ensure delivery of text messages (subscription) CHG:Day Phone List displays cell phone if marked preferred or work phone is blank CHG:Day Phone List option to display patient notes rather than appointment notes CHG:Money Bag screen print button provides the same options as elsewhere CHG:Updates for HCAI submission in Ontario (requires updated HCAI package) CHG:Email Server Settings passwords now hidden, can display new password only CHG:Inactive Patients under Labels, Email and elsewhere now use dates, not weeks CHG:Reports - Receivables - On Specific Date filter to balances owing or credits CHG:US version includes diagnoses and procedure on receipts and statements CHG:Treatment Notes tab now displays the most recent notes at the top CHG:Removed Delete button from Select Patient list to avoid trouble FIX:Reports - Statistics - Account Activity was not filtering correctly FIX:Utilities - Statements settings display, can now re-print recent Statements FIX:Reports - Patients - Lists - Inactive Patients, Include Archived works again FIX:Resolved issues when deleting patients with insurance plans or submissions FIX:Appt book date display no longer blanks when inserting or changing a patient FIX:Adding/editing a popup note will no longer undo patient demographic changes FIX:All payment types will display, without scrolling, when changing a payment Better Notes: CHG:Can now add attachments to patient files and open/view with local caching FIX:Will now report back any errors when saving, ability to edit or try again CHG:Date on saved notes set to match the appointment date, rather than date saved Version 3.29 Release Date 21/11/2018 CHG:Email batches now queued, will allow retrying failed emails if any errors ADD:Can now re-start reminders from a specified number (eg. for provider limits) CHG:Added more fields to the patient exports & simplified to one CSV name/type ADD:Fields to track patient consent agreement or form (on patient Other tab) FIX:Export - Patient Summary - Birthday - Filter to Active now works correctly ADD:Doctor Access security setting, limits VIEW ONLY access so far, more later ADD:Option to show all phone numbers on All and Active Patient List reports ADD:Reports - Statistics - Activity by Type - Services can match partial codes FIX:Can no longer create a Class number 0 (zero), as that can result in issues CHG:Patient selection now allows using Query and Select buttons on other tabs ADD:Today option on patient Insurance customizable printout/statement FIX:Attachment folders now auto-created right away to avoid permission issues FIX:Saved attachment names now have commas stripped out to avoid problems CHG:Patient health numbers display leading zeros for eastern Canadian versions CHG:Most browse lists can now display up to nine digit patient file numbers ADD:Setting to disable print Patient Appoints - List "Send By Email?" prompt CHG:Minor improvements to the Copy Patient function and interface CHG:US version extra diagnostic codes length expanded to 8 characters (was 6) Better Notes: ADD:Can now save and select from multiple server connections FIX:Saved attachment names now have commas stripped out to avoid problems Version 3.30 Release Date 01/01/2021 ADD:Remote schedule access via the web (needs to be configured and set up) ADD:Can now disable reminders for specific billing codes (under Setup) ADD:Fields for online booking (not yet fully functional, for preparation) ADD:Treatment Notes tab now displays auditing information for the notes ADD:Query Patients by Email Address now available as an option ADD:Integrated sending of installation codes for program activation via email CHG:Email - Appointment Reminders, Additional Message will now be saved CHG:Appointment Reminder texts reformatted to include better information CHG:Day & Date Range Detail now have a Date in place of the Health column CHG:Email Settings - Port number entry now works like other fields CHG:Interac payment type name changed to Debit CHG:Patient Block optionally applies to Emails, Exports, Labels, Birthdays FIX:Patient Treatment Tab - Print could print the wrong patient's notes FIX:Reminders printout will now include premium text messages sent FIX:Emailed receipts or statements will update last receipt/statement FIX:Insurance printout will update the last statement date correctly FIX:Account Adjustments - Find and Goto options now work, added buttons FIX:US version Medicare Claim Form was cutting off longer diagnostic codes FIX:Email or Print Appointment Book will use current billing code colours FIX:Changing patient file number without saving caused issues adding entries FIX:Changing file details, adding Missed/Recall, then cancelling file change FIX:Updated secure email root certificates database FIX:Error message when attempting to email to an empty list of patients Version 3.31 Release Date 30/05/2022 ADD:Proper API integration for sending email from Gmail accounts ADD:Option to print today's recall list added to Reports - Missed/Recall List ADD:Can now save PDF copies of the Day and Date Range Summary reports ADD:Insurance payments breakdown by company on the Day and Date Range Summaries CHG:Export functions now allow choosing the location and filename to export CHG:Reminder List greatly improved to Reminder/No Reminder, moved to Breakdown CHG:Appointment Reminders report now has a timestamp and option to save as PDF CHG:Adding/editing a patient file no longer defaults to Date Entered (accidents) CHG:Add to Missed/Recall prompt also appears if appointment is NOT today's date CHG:Improved the formatting on the Day and Date Range Summary reports CHG:Insurance payments allow selecting any insurance company regardless of plans FIX:Reminders - Selected Patients Only could add those recipients to other lists FIX:Resolved a potential issue with our premium text messaging provider FIX:Print recalls would sometimes fail to prompt when there were recalls FIX:Potential errors when automatically importing holiday dates FIX:Patient could not be deleted while there was a popup note on their file FIX:BC MSP submission could incorrectly prompt for additional explanations Better Notes, Remote Access and IP Client/Server services try to auto-restart Version 3.32 Release Date 14/10/2022 ADD:New exports for Appointments, Billings, Payments, Products and Daily Notes ADD:Proper API integration for sending email from Microsoft accounts ADD:Statistics - Activity By Type can now provide a list for Transfers ADD:About page now has clickable buttons for our website and email address CHG:Program expiry and hardware change licensing are no longer enforced CHG:Better Notes licensing no longer enforced, now free for all program users CHG:Cleaned up the Export menu, added new items and removed useless options CHG:Export - Patient List to File, most options include some additional fields CHG:Updated BC MSP Service Location Code options added (could also be typed) FIX:Emailing installation codes could fail under specific circumstances FIX:Emailing to Gmail could be blocked if source address did not match SMTP host Version 3.33 Release Date 22/10/2023 ADD:Option to merge patient files (Utilities - Patients Utilities - Merge Patients) ADD:Settings option to always confirm drag and drop moving of appointments ADD:Patient Pronouns field, with display at the bottom of the patient file CHG:Check and prompt to avoid blank patient files from accidentally being added CHG:Patient Sex field changed to Gender, with several new options plus typed entry CHG:Export - Active Patients and No Future Appointments use a date instead of weeks FIX:Check to prevent products with duplicate codes from being added FIX:If patient had multiple appointments, dragging could move the wrong one (rarely) FIX:Email configuration now allows five digit port numbers FIX:Complete rewrite of Utilities - Appt. Utils - Change Appt Doctor for Date Range Version 3.34 Release Date 22/10/2024 ADD:Can now filter Receivables - Using Patient Due Balances to recent balances only CHG:Email and text reminders will only send the earliest appointment for each patient CHG:Required update to authentication for Microsoft email account integration CHG:Updated Patient Query icon and tooltip to make the search function more clear CHG:Added default NO TEXT REPLIES to Text Single By Lookup FIX:Drag and drop bug could cause appointments to be moved to the wrong time FIX:IP network client could fail to send emails via Gmail or Microsoft methods FIX:Eliminated favicon error message after authenticating with Gmail or Microsoft FIX:Pasting an appointment after a gap in the schedule could put it in the wrong time